This week, we give a very warm welcome to Father Stephen Talbutt who has been appointed as our Parish Priest.
Fr Stephen was ordained on 6th of July 2019, on the feast of St Maria Goretti at St Peter’s Cathedral, Lancaster. The Ordination Rite and prayers of imposition was presided by Rt Rev Bishop Paul Swarbrick, Bishop of Lancaster.

Here is a message from him by way of introduction:
Hello, my name is Stephen Talbutt, I’m from Lancaster born and bred, and I have been appointed by
Bishop Paul to join you in the parishes of St Wulstan and St Edmunds, and St Mary’s.
Just a little bit about myself, I’m 54 years old and have been an ordained priest for 5 years (I’m
definitely a late vocation). Prior to this I worked in the IT sector in many roles.
I’m looking forward to get to know you all and travelling with you on our journey to the Lord.
Many thanks to Fr Alf for all the help he has given me in the last week, and wishing him a very happy and blest retirement.
Fr Stephen



FRIDAY 13th SEPTEMBER – ‘Farewell to Fr Alf’ – Mass will be celebrated at 6pm followed by a ‘do’' in the School Hall which will include music from the JAGS and a ‘Jacob’s Join’.
More details to follow.
SUNDAY 15th SEPTEMBER – 9am – Father Alf’s last Sunday Mass as our Parish Priest.
FRIDAY 20th SEPTEMBER - This popular social event will take place in the School Hall on from 7pm. (Quiz starts at 7.30) and will include Steve’s Quiz and a Hot Pot Supper. Please bring own nibbles and drinks. We hope you will be able to join us on what has always proved to be a very enjoyable parish social event. Why not bring a few friends?
The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA), will be conducting an audit of safeguarding processes
in the Diocese of Lancaster in September 2024.
As part of this audit, they would like to hear the views of as many people as possible about safeguarding in the Diocese and are particularly interested in the views of victims and survivors of abuse, whether you have previously had contact with the safeguarding team or not. Please see the words of Rebecca, a survivor of abuse, and Nazir Afzal, Chair of CSSA
More widely, whether you are a parishioner, volunteer, employee, have no or many roles, we are also interested to hear from you. This could be about any aspect of safeguarding within the Diocese.
You can let us know you views by completing the form
HERE. There are 3 boxes to complete (one question, one comment section, one optional contact details). Forms are completely anonymous unless you choose to provide your name or other identifying information. Alternatively, if you would like to speak to a member of the audit team, simply leave your contact details within the survey form and they will contact you directly. The survey remains open until 1st September 2024.
More information about the CSSA audit programme and a privacy notice can be found

The ‘Bake Off’ competition returns on
Easter Sunday, April 9th.
If you would like to enter, please register your name at the back of church.
The competition will be held after Mass in the Green Hut. After the winner is announced, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase the cakes!
Happy Baking!
Please bring cakes to the Green Hut
before 10am Mass.
Following our parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land (4-10 November 2022) George Kwun shared this reflection.
Impressions of a Pilgrim
(from Annunciation to Ascension)
Under a warm November sun, among billows of bougainvillae
Pomegranates swell like Betelgeuse in all exquisite delightfulness
Mynah birds chatter, Bee-eaters unroll their mellifluous warble
A flame tree, fern-like, uncurls its flowers
Here in the fulness of time
The Word becomes flesh
To become our Beth-lehem, gracious food for the journey to Elijah
Here he fashions a people under a covenant
From the swaddling clothes to the anointing myrrh
He bestows healing and blessings
Here in Kafar-Nahum he teaches
Announces Good News as foreshadowed in protoevangelium
Here the Spirit anoints him with the oil of gladness in Jordan River
Here he walks and talks and prays, calling us friends in the Spirit
He teaches us to call his Father ‘Abba’
Here in Lake Gennesaret he teaches his Beatitudes
Here he cures, defeats demons, and forgives
Here he claims to be Lord of the Sabbath
Here in Cana he changes water into wine
At the behest of his mother before his time
Mary the burning bush whence comes “I am”
Mary the theotokos, the tabernacle of God’s glory
Here in Jericho he calls Zacchaeus, fellow outcast
The “walled off” to sing the same song
The desire of all nations walks here
Through Gethsemane, the valley of Jehoshaphat, Gallicantu to Via Dolorosa
Here he willingly walks to Golgotha
He, the priest and the sacrifice
Here the myths of all dying/rising gods is fulfilled
Here the cross bursts into the Tree of Life
Here his heart weeps over Jeru-Salem
Resisting the embrace of his tenderness
Here his heart aches with mercy
Here he is lifted up to show the immensity of that tenderness
From here he draws all things to Himself
Then at Tabgha he shows himself
To confirm and strengthen Simon Peter
To feed his sheep and tend his lambs
Until his coming in glory
To bestow his weal on his Church
And welcome us in the new Jerusalem


Our intrepid beekeepers have been busy, during the week, with several swarms in the local area.
Click the picture to watch them in action!
Thank you to the Volunteers of Fleetwood Together
In the Spring of 2022, the long story of Fleetwood Together came to an end. This article, written by Canon Alf Hayes, Parish Priest of St Wulstan and Edmund, and by Lucy McNeill of West View Community Centre is to say a huge thank you to the many volunteers for their unstinting generosity and practical concern for our fellow citizens during these last two difficult years.
Before the Pandemic, St Wulstan's and Edmund’s SVP Foodbank and St Peter’s Mustard Seed had individually been providing food for the needy of Fleetwood for nearly 11 years. West View Community Centre also ran a Members’ Food Club. Donations of food and monetary gifts from members of the public were gratefully accepted, and Supermarkets were very generous with surplus products. All went fairly smoothly and gently along.
Then, in March 2020 everything changed. Suddenly, because of Lockdown, many more people who would not normally need help, were stranded and unable to source food. Immediately these three organisations came together for a crisis meeting, and invited other organisations such as Fleetwood Town FC, the Masons, Rotary etc to attend. We agreed to pool our resources and gave ourselves the name “Fleetwood Together”. That was on a Friday and by Monday we were up and running.
For the first week we operated from St David’s church, but within days the requests for help had rocketed and we had to find somewhere bigger – a lot bigger! That’s when Wyre Borough stepped in with the offer of free use of the Marine Hall, where, for the first four months of lockdown, it became a hive of activity, staffed entirely by volunteers.
At the peak of the pandemic, our twenty or so drivers were taking out crates of food to over 600 homes, not just in Fleetwood but throughout Wyre, feeding 1500-1600 people per week. At the Marine Hall we had people who did a huge variety of tasks to make the operation run smoothly. Firstly, there were people who answered and dealt with all the incoming telephone calls for help, then collators who sorted out clients’ individual needs on the computer. After them came the sorters, shelf stackers, freezer stockers, people who split bulk supplies into family size rations, made up bags of fruit and vegetables, sorted out hygiene products, and pet food, etc. All these items were put together in crates by a ‘conveyor belt’ type system of volunteers and taken out to the drivers by the despatch team. It was an awesome operation by amateurs, which I think Amazon would have been proud of.
So what now? The two churches in the meantime have come together to form a new Trust called ‘Faith in the Community’, and will continue to be the ‘Foodbank’ for Fleetwood, operating out of The Pantry, situated in the old Fleetwood hospital in North Albert Street. West View Community centre is reverting to its pre-Covid way of serving the community, as are the other organisations. Although we know the worst is over, we are under no illusions that this is the end of hardship for many people, and all of these organisations, I am sure, will still be doing their best to help.
We really were Fleetwood Together at its very best.
Canon Alf Hayes: Parish Priest, St Wulstan and Edmund
Lucy McNeill: West View Community Centre
TODAY'S MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PAUL (For all parishes and religious houses in the diocese)
Dear Father,
You will be aware that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, will be consecrating Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary next Friday 25th March at 5pm local time, Solemnity of the Annunciation. It has been requested by Bishops and Faithful in Russia, Ukraine and around the world.
As an expression of solidarity with this act, I will personally perform the same consecration in Lancaster Cathedral on the same day (Friday 25th March) at 5pm. It will be a simple act of trust including prayers to Our Blessed Lady and expressions of penitence. I am aware that 5pm on a Friday is not the easiest time to negotiate Lancaster’s traffic, but if any of the Faithful wish to join me they are most welcome. My hope is for the event to be recorded and put online via the Cathedral website.
I take this opportunity to thank you and encourage you and your parishioners in all you are trying to do, spiritually and materially to help those who have been driven from their homes and country.
As we remember the Ukraine crisis, let us keep in our hearts so many other peoples and places where violence and tragedy are happening.
+ Paul
I am aware that this comes too late for your weekend newsletter, so please announce this at all Sunday Masses.
Rt Rev Paul Swarbrick
Bishop of Lancaster
PASTORAL LETTER FROM BISHOP PAUL for the First Sunday of Lent ~ 06.03.22
Click here to read letter.
UKRAINIAN APPEAL ~ Its not too late to donate locally ~ 05.03.22
Fleetwood Rotary & @AffinityLancs are also collecting items. Welcome donations are toiletries, sleeping bags, cooking pots/pans, bedding, dried food (at least 1 yr before date). Collection point is vacant unit next to Klass,
Sat & Sun 5/6 March 11am - 3pm.
THANK YOU ~ 04.03.22
Following the appeal on Wednesday, we have today filled the mini bus with very generous donations which Fr Alf took to Blackpool tonight to Marta and her friend. They are going to have a very busy time packaging all the donations ready to go to the airport tomorrow.
Thank you to the many parishioners and school families who sent very needy donations.

As you will be very aware, there is a great need for items for Ukrainian refugees who have been forced to leave their country. There are many local organisations collecting essential items.
One shipment is to leave on Saturday from Blackpool and items may be dropped off at church or the presbytery before 5pm on Friday to be included. Please ring 07732278730 (Maria D) if you need items collecting.
Items needed: toiletries – soap, shampoo etc, nappies, wet wipes, women’s hygiene products, bandages & first aid kits, toys. (No clothes as these are being covered by other organisations.

Father Alf is often asked if copies of his homilies are available to read again....so here they are, as requested.
Both transcripts and audio files can be found here.
During lockdown, while barbers and hairdressers have been closed, many of us have had longer then usual hairstyles including our own Father Alf. At long last, after several months, Father has had a haircut! Happy Haircut, Father Alf!
To see 'before' and 'after' pictures click here.
Please select from previous news articles below:

Following a recent 'Children's Challenge' several of our elderly parishioners received cheery colourful greetings from some of our younger parishioners.
Click on photo to view