We hope you will find some information and activities here that you will enjoy.
This week's challenge will be open for a few weeks. We are hoping to produce a booklet of children’s prayers and letters to God. Could you write a prayer or a letter to God and send it to ? All letters and prayers will be published on the website and then compiled into a booklet. More details on our children’s page on the website.
This week's challenge is continuing from last week as we would like lots more WELCOME POSTERS to decorate our church. Look on the 'Children's Challenge' page for some more information and for pictures of some posters already received.
**Don't forget to have a look at some of the photos taken in our church and see if you are a good detective and can recognise what they are. **
What a wonderful week! Since 22nd March, nobody has been able to go into church to pray but this week following government advice and guidance and permission from Bishop Paul, we are allowed to open so you can come into church and talk to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Here are the opening times :

11.06.20 ~ This week's Challenge..... WELCOME POSTERS to decorate the church for visitors when we open.
GREAT NEWS! From Monday 15th June, churches are being allowed to open to parishioners for private prayer. We are busy making arrangements at the moment and waiting for guidance from Bishop Paul before publishing opening dates and times.
Look on the 'Children's Challenge' page for some more information.

04.06.20 ~ Here is this week's challenge.....'Detective work!'
Do you recognise this and some other pictures. Here's a clue....they are all in our church.
Look on the 'Children's Challenge' page for some more.
21.05.20 ~ Here is this week's challenge .....Make a card, draw a picture or write a letter to a parishioner living on their own or in a nursing home to brighten up their day.
For more details and other ideas, please look on the 'Children's Challenge' page.
On Thursday this week, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.
During the 40 days after Jesus's resurrection, (being raised from the dead), he appeared to his disciples from time to time. He spoke to them about the kingdom of God.
Once he told them to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift he would send them. That gift would be the Holy Spirit. He would live in them and and guide them. He would be a Comforter to the. Jesus wanted them to tell everyone on earth that he had died for them. He told them to teach and to baptise those who believed.
After Jesus said this, he was taken up to heaven right in front of their eyes. A cloud hid him from their sight and two angels, who looked like men dressed in white, came and stood beside them.
The angels said, "Why are you looking up in the sky? This same Jesus who has been taken up into heaven will come back some day in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
We also believe that he will come again.

Click on this picture to watch a short film clip.
14.05.20 ~ Plenty of time, still, to send an idea for the name of one of the hives of our 'Glory Bees'
Please look on the 'Children's Challenge' page for lots of information about some saints, provided by some of our young parishioners.

07.05.20 ~ Here is this week's challenge .....Name the hives for the 'Glory Bees'
Our 'Glory Bees' are very happy in their lovely homes in the presbytery garden but would like names for their four hives. Can you help? For more details, click on the picture.

13th May is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
Click this picture to watch the story.

14th May is the feast of St Matthias.
St Matthias is the apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Little is known of his missionary activity but tradition states that he preached in Judea. He is credited with a Gospel and other discourses that have not been historically confirmed. His feast day is May 14th.
Coming soon....lots of information researched by some of our young parishioners about many saints........
Please look on the 'Children's Challenge' page for all the wonderful works of art depicting our own
Father Alf.
We had such a wonderful response to last week’s challenge and Fr Alf was so amazed by them all that we have decided that they will all take their place on the welcome page of the website in turn! The first one, chosen at random, is shown here. It was drawn by Noah, aged 7.
All children will be soon be receiving a certificate and a treat for accepting the challenge.
All pictures and models can be seen on the Children's Challenge page.
30.04.20 ~ Here is this week's challenge.........'Saints, Saints and more Saints' ~ something for everyone this week ~ from the very youngest to the more mature parishioner ~ drawing, painting, researching, writing or listing.
For full details click here

29th April is the feast of St Catherine of Siena.
St. Catherine of Siena was born during the outbreak of the plague in Siena, Italy on March 25, 1347. She was the 25th child born to her mother, although half of her brothers and sisters did not survive childhood. Catherine herself was a twin, but her sister did not survive infancy. Her mother was 40 when she was born. Her father was a cloth dyer.
At the age of 16, Catherine's sister, Bonaventura, died, leaving her husband as a widower. Catherine's parents proposed that he marry Catherine as a replacement, but Catherine opposed this. She began fasting and cut her hair short to mar her appearance.
Her parents attempted to resist this move, to avoid marriage, but they were unsuccessful. Her fasting and her devotion to her family, convinced them to relent and allow her to live as she pleased.
Catherine once explained that she regarded her father as a representation of Jesus and her mother as Our Lady, and her brothers as the apostles, which helped her to serve them with humility.
Despite Catherine's religious nature, she did not choose to enter a convent and instead she joined the Third Order of St. Dominic, which allowed her to associate with a religious society while living at home.
Click this picture to watch her story.
23.04.20 ~ Look out for our weekly challenge. Here is our first one......'Fr Alf's new image'
23rd April is the feast day of St George. He is the patron saint of England.
Have you seen his statue in St Wulstan's Church?
Read his story here......
“I want to be a soldier when I grow up!” How many of you have said that? St. George did, too—and he lived way back in the 4th century.
St. George was raised a Christian and always wanted to be a soldier. When he was old enough, he joined the army. The man in charge of the army, Diocletian, hated Christians and had many put to death—including St. Philomena. The fact that George was a Christian AND a soldier didn’t bother Diocletian, especially since George was a good one. Eventually, though, Diocletian decided that EVERYONE in his army must worship him and the Roman gods instead. George refused. The army officials begged him to deny the one, true God. “We don’t want to lose you, George! We need you in our army! What a waste to die just for your God!” But George knew it is a mortal (deadly) sin to deny our God.
Knowing that he would soon be arrested and executed, George gave all his money away to the poor and prepared himself for death. He was cruelly tortured and then beheaded on April 23, 303.
As with many of the saints from the early church, there are legends about Saint George. Most people think, “He’s the one who slew the dragon” when they hear his name. But few people know much more of the story. Here is the rest of the story.
There was a city that had a dragon living in its lake. This wouldn’t have been too much of a problem if the city people could have avoided the lake. But they needed to go to the lake every day to get water. (This was LONG before indoor plumbing.) Each time they came to the lake to get water, they needed to make a sacrifice so that the dragon wouldn’t eat them.
At first, they fed him a sheep. After a while, either there were no more sheep to feed him or the dragon demanded something more to eat. It’s unsure which happened. Anyway, the people began offering the young maidens of the city for a sacrifice . Each day, they would draw lots to see which girl would be fed to the dragon.
One day, the king’s daughter’s name was drawn. “NO, no, not my daughter!” cried the king. (I am sure every parent thought that if their daughter’s name was chosen.) Even though the king pleaded, the citizens decided that she needed to be sacrificed. As the princess was led away, St. George rode by the lake and saw what was happening. George made the sign of the cross and slew the dragon, saving the princess’s life. The citizens were so grateful to George that they all converted to Christianity.
And now you know the rest of the story about St. George and the dragon!
Story of St George from :
MARIA DOHERTY, 22/04/2020